
Movie Rental Analysis for Rockbuster Stealth.

This project solved business questions and produced product and market insights to help Rockbuster Stealth LLC, a fictional movie rental company, stay competitive.

Data Ethics & Applied Analysis for Pig E. Bank.

This project uncovered leading causes of client loss and identified sources of potential bias, security, privacy, and ethical issues for Pig E. Bank, a fictional global bank.

Grocery Basket Analysis

for Instacart.

This project derived insights through data analysis and provided recommendations to influence marketing strategies and sales, based on a fictional Instacart dataset.

Flight Delays from San Diego International Airport Analysis.

This project explored flight departure data from four leading airlines (Delta, Southwest, American, and United) in order to identify delay trends and causes.

Video Game Industry Analysis for GameCo.

This project provided descriptive statistics to GameCo, a fictional video game company, so it understands the market and makes informed choices when developing a game.

Flu Season in the US Analysis for Medical Staffing Agency.

This project examined influenza trends to answer business questions and provided insights in the United States to a fictional medical staffing agency to plan for flu season.